I am a tech-enthusiast, open-source fan and contributor, as well as a computer scientist from Germany. I started my interest in school, writing top-class programs in Delphi, at least that's what my teachers thought. I started doing some system administration work for my school and for a slightly bigger non-profit gaming news network. After my Abitur, I concluded with studying Computer Science at RWTH Aachen, Germany. Before starting to go to university I started to work for different companies as a freelancer creating websites and Facebook Tabs (time flies by) including a rather big project for a global player. I finished my M.Sc. RWTH Computer Science in 2020. My bachelor thesis was about exploring eBPF for In-Kernel Packet Processing and I finished my master's by studying congestion control algorithm switching during existing connections to gain overall improvements.
In my free time, I used to make music, my band can be found here. If you like metal and we play live again1 we can drink a beer or two together.
For the rest of my spare time, I spent various hours experimenting on or researching stuff for high-performance applications like games or embedded systems like sensor networks. I also work with a couple of open-source projects and try to give something back to the community.
Projects I spent more time on than others include:
- Amethyst - A data-driven game engine written in Rust.
- Matrix - The decentralized chat protocol for the masses.
Programming-languages I like to use:
- Rust
- Python
- Maybe Go?
You can look at my GitHub profile to see previous work done in the open-source space. For a small chat just give me a hug via Matrix (Using any client you like)
If you are interested in a more traditional or formal version, I am happy to send over a copy.
Hopefully Covid-19's effect on live entertainment melts in the not too distant future.